Rachel, juist like her bonny aunt,
Is interduced tae al’,
A fresh an’ fair young shepherdess,
Bae Haran’s famous wal’.
Whar Jacob kiss’d this damsel pure,
But why his tears shud flow
Is still a secrit tae al’ those
Wha ir nae in the know.
Saevin short years he did the slave,
An’ lov’d hir as dear life;
But Leah came vail’d on the scene,
Becomin’ first his wife.
Poor Jacob had tae rep fu’ sore,
So let each yin tak’ heed,
There niver yit wuz guid results
Followed sa’in’ bad seed.
Rachel became his wife also,
Regerd less o’ Gods la’
That ivery man shud hae a wife,
But nae yin shud ha’ twa.
Smal’ wunder that in this hareem
There wur sae many trades
Atwaen plain Leah, Rachel the fair,
An’ their twa servint maids.
Wha in due coarse pass’d aff life’s stage,
Although the Wurd is tame,
An’ only states that Rachel went
Whun little Benny came.
Wha’s memory Jacob revered
As bein’ aye the best,
He rearin’ up a monument
Whar she wuz laid to rest.
‘Tis nice, av coorse, tae be rael nice,
But this afore ye keep
It daes nae coont fur very much
If naethin’ but skin deep.
True beauty comes frae a pure heart,
Which ye may each obtain;
God grant it, so that al’ may say,
She’s awfu’ nice an’ plain.
A.L.F. 5th February 1916